Big data illustration

Deep learning from big data

Solving the world’s problems through artificial intelligence technology The amount of data that is generated globally every year now exceeds the total volume of information created throughout the history of…

Virtually learning from virtually anywhere

Rapid advances in IT are reshaping the teaching and learning styles in higher education. One of the most exciting areas being explored is educating students in the virtual world. Students…

Dan Petrovic, CEO Dejan SEO

Innovation and serendipity

Innovation tends to strike when we face challenges. It could be anywhere and in any situation, but when a great idea forms it tends to a produce one of those…

Autumn cover

Deep learning from big data

Deep learning from big data – Solving the world’s problems through artificial intelligence technology  The world of big data starts when we talk about petabytes, 1 million gigabytes of information (equal…

Lab on a Chip

Lab on a Chip

A chemical explosion has disbursed a toxin across inner city suburbs. Hundreds of people are presenting at hospital even though only a fraction have come into contact with the poison….

Professor Geoff Pryde

Pawsey Medal 2014

Professor Geoff Pryde from the Centre for Quantum Dynamics has been awarded the 2014 Pawsey Medal by The Australian Academy of Science. The awarded recognises outstanding service to Australia science in the field of…