Infrastructure critical to epidemic response

Infectious disease threats, epidemics and pandemics are inevitable in this modern world where international travel dissolves borders. In the past decade, we have witnessed this first hand. From avian influenza to…


From the Schrödinger cat to quantum computers Quantum mechanics one of the most successful theories in science. For almost 90 years, experimenters have subjected it to rigorous tests, none of…

IMPACT EVENT -The Tales Teeth Tell

Come along to a memorable evening with Associate Professor Tanya Smith to celebrate the worldwide launch of her new popular science book The Tales Teeth Tell: Development, Evolution and Behavior. Following an intriguing…

EVENT: The Big Bell Test

30th November 2016 was your chance to use your free will to test quantum physics, while also learning about parallel universes and uncrackable cryptography. Recorded on this date Professor Howard Wiseman and…