Hunt for a COVID 19 vaccine

The hunt for a COVID-19 vaccine is a worldwide scientific endeavour involving thousands of researchers from universities, research organisations, and drug research companies. Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery‘s (GRIDD) Professor Bernd…

Infrastructure critical to epidemic response

Infectious disease threats, epidemics and pandemics are inevitable in this modern world where international travel dissolves borders. In the past decade, we have witnessed this first hand. From avian influenza to…

New medicine from nature

Parkinson’s disease is a complex neurological condition that is incurable and its cause is not understood. An estimated 80, 000 Australians live with Parkinson’s disease and with our ageing population…

Nature Bank – Sponsor a Sample

Take on the role of a medical researcher by Sponsoring a sample from Griffith University’s Nature Bank. Adopt one of the samples stored in Nature Bank and helps scientists search…