How transport projects and policies are changing our cities and changing our way of life
In the last two decades Queenslanders have created world leading transport projects that are now being copied around the world. Cities such as New York and London have introduced linear river ferries similar to Brisbane’s CityCat system. Our fully segregated busways have been influential in changing bus rapid transit designs elsewhere. And our wildly successful active school travel programs are decades ahead of US practice. Drawing on research conducted at Griffith across cycling, public transport and road systems this lecture will first look at a range of recent transport innovations and how they are changing the places we live and in turn our culture. It will then peer into the near future to look at what might be the next set of innovations, what impacts they may have on Australian cities, and what it might mean for our way of life.
Dr Matthew Burke is a Senior Research Fellow and Australian Research Council Future Fellow at the Urban Research Program at Griffith University. His research is mainly in how transport systems, land uses and travel behaviour interact. Matthew’s transport research and interests range across freight, metropolitan planning and transport policy, through to ferry, light rail and busway systems planning and design, and walking, cycling and children’s travel programs. His Future Fellowship is looking at the impacts of the new Gold Coast light rail scheme.
The third IMPACT @ Griffith Sciences lecture was held at the Brisbane Square Library on the 22nd July 2014