The good oil on krill

New research investigating the oils or ‘lipids’ in Antarctic krill will provide scientists and the krill fishing industry with improved tools for measuring the health of krill populations and their…

From bleeding to self-healing concrete

Concrete is the most widely used construction material in the world due to its high strength and durability, relatively low cost and readily available constituents. However, over time concrete also becomes…

Galectin 3 Crystal

X-ray crystallography photo essay

2014 is the International Year of Crystallography; a celebration of X-ray crystallography and the science driven by this technology. 2014 also marks 10 years since Griffith University solved its first structure…

Virtually learning from virtually anywhere

Rapid advances in IT are reshaping the teaching and learning styles in higher education. One of the most exciting areas being explored is educating students in the virtual world. Students…

Tasmanian Rosella with apple by Marian Drew

Art and climate change

The role of creative arts in stimulating  responses to climate change. Can art contribute to getting people to respond to the issues of climate change? Art doesn’t only operate on…