Magpies target their victims

Associate Professor Darryl Jones grew up in the bush, where he spent far too much time chasing frogs and watching birds. Wildlife has always fascinated him, especially the behaviour of…

The future of network security

Information is now a vital part of our economy and our society, from the millions of digital transactions happening daily to our personal tax and medical records. And just as we use armored…

Who invented the first computer?

Jessica Korte is a PhD candidate with the Griffith School of Information and Communication Technology. Her research will create a method for designing technologies with young Deaf children. Transcript In…

A forest in the nose

Spinal injury research

Glial cells are essential for the maintenance of normal healthy nerve cells, but what happens when nerve cells are injured? Do the glial cells contribute to the repair, how quickly…

We can have our fish and eat them too

Dr Chris Brown from the Australian Rivers Institute research is focused on striking a sustainable balance between the importance of fish for human consumption as well as to the health of marine ecosystems….

New medicine from nature

Parkinson’s disease is a complex neurological condition that is incurable and its cause is not understood. An estimated 80, 000 Australians live with Parkinson’s disease and with our ageing population…